ACC capping funding for scans: What this means for New Zealanders

In New Zealand, the number of scans being performed is skyrocketing, however this rise in demand is also creating a gap between the availability and affordability of these essential services, making private health insurance more crucial than ever.

Five years ago, ACC spent $95 million on scans. Last year, this figure rose to $130 million. 

What’s caused such a dramatic increase? 

Technological Advancements: Better technology has not only improved the quality of imaging but has also made high-tech imaging, like MRI and CT scans, standard practice in diagnostics.

Ageing Population: As the New Zealand population ages, there’s a greater need for medical imaging to diagnose and manage chronic conditions and age-related injuries.

Increased Access to Referrals: There is now a broader range of healthcare providers who can refer patients for scans. This includes general practitioners who are now trained to refer patients for specific MRI scans concerning knee, hip, and back issues, as well as nurse practitioners.

It’s for these reasons that ACC is capping the amount they are prepared to cover, paying only a fixed amount that often falls short of what radiology services actually charge. This means that if the cost of your scan exceeds the ACC’s capped amount, you’ll need to cover the difference yourself. 

However, if you end up requiring a scan for a condition that’s not classified as an injury, such as a disease or a chronic condition, ACC will not cover it at all. This leaves many New Zealanders facing high medical bills for necessary diagnostic services.

The Role of Private Health Insurance

This is where private health cover becomes a must-have. With the right health insurance policy, you can gain access to faster and more comprehensive imaging services without worrying about the cost. This financial safety net can provide peace of mind and make sure that you get the scans you need, when you need them.

With private health insurance you get:

Timely Access: Private health insurance can significantly reduce wait times for important diagnostic tests.

Financial Security: Insurance can cover the full cost or a substantial part of the cost of scans, protecting you from high out-of-pocket expenses.

Wider Range of Options: Health insurance provides access to a broader network of facilities and advanced imaging technologies that might not be readily available through public health services.

Remember that an early diagnosis is often the key to successful treatment. Don't let financial concerns delay or prevent you from getting a scan that could be crucial to your health. If you’d like to explore health insurance options to ensure you have access to the best possible care, including essential medical scans, get in touch with us today.


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