4 good reasons to get your insurance sorted through an adviser

Insurance tends to be something that we begrudgingly get sorted because we know it’s important to have. But how many Kiwis actually have a policy that does what they need it to, and that they actually understand? Insurance advisers are there to help you get cover in place that’s suited to your needs, and your budget. Here are some good reasons why you should always get your cover sorted through an adviser.

1. They’re the experts

Insurance advisers have the skills and know-how to review your current situation, including any income, assets, and debts, and recommend the kind of cover you need. They can take a look at any existing cover you have and can tell straight away if it’s not right for you. You might be paying for cover you don’t need, or you might have an important asset that you didn’t even know wasn’t covered in your policy.

2. They can help you understand it all

Insurance can be complex, and even the first page of your policy document is enough to give you a headache. Financial advisers want to make sure you understand just what you’re covered for, and how everything works. They know the ins and outs of all of the insurance products and providers in New Zealand - after all, that’s their job - and they’ll be able to translate the jargon for you.

3. They’re there for you come claim time

If you’ve ever made an insurance claim without the help of an adviser, you know that it can sometimes be time-consuming and stressful. Insurance advisers help their customers with claims often enough that they know how the process works and can guide you through it. They’ll provide you with valuable support and guidance to help you get your claim across the line.

4. It’s free and there’s no obligation

At Union Plus, our team of expert insurance advisers are here to help you get it right. There’s no charge for a review meeting, and there’s no obligation for you to take on board any of the recommendations they provide. We will sit down with you to go over the best options for your needs and your budget, as well as answering any questions you may have, but the decision is ultimately in your hands.

If you want to try out a review meeting for yourself and get some hands-on help from the experts, get in touch with us today.


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