The top 5 medical claims in December 2022 - nib

If you’ve been putting off getting medical insurance sorted, we’ve got a few sobering claims statistics from nib that just might prompt you into getting some cover in place.

In the financial year of 2022, nib paid out $175 million in total claims for its members, and the top five claims for December alone, are broken down below - could you afford those numbers without medical insurance?

1. Spinal Surgery

  • Cost: $142,349

  • Gender: Female

  • Age: 18

2. Heart Surgery

  • Cost: $123,046

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: 65

3. Heart Surgery

  • Cost: $96,339

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: 73

4. Heart Surgery

  • Cost: $92,680

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: 64

5. Joint Surgery

  • Cost: $91,849

  • Gender: Female

  • Age: 26

These top 5 claims for December show that at any point, you might need surgery, and, although we don’t like to think about it, having the right cover in place could mean the difference between life and death.

If you’re worried about getting cover because you’ve got pre-existing conditions, don’t forget that nib’s great offer is still available until the end of the month!

If you sign up to an Ultimate Health or Ultimate Health Max plan through your adviser before 28 February 2023, many of your pre-existing conditions will be covered after 3 years.*

At Union Plus, we can help you understand which pre-existing conditions will be included after 3 years and which are excluded, giving you clarity around any medical conditions you may have before you apply.

If you'd like to find out more about this offer, click below to get in touch.


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