nib is covering the uncovered

Don’t let pre-existing health conditions hold you back from getting the healthcare you need, when you need it. Insurance provider nib has launched a brand new offer that can give you the security and confidence of knowing that many of your pre-existing conditions are covered after 3 years.*

Do you want peace of mind knowing that many of your pre-existing health conditions are covered after 3 years*?

Unlock nib’s most comprehensive offer*

If you sign up to an Ultimate Health or Ultimate Health Max plan before 28 February 2023, many of your pre-existing conditions could be covered after 3 years. At Union Plus, we can help you understand which pre-existing conditions will be included after 3 years and which are excluded, giving you clarity around any medical conditions you may have before you apply.

If you'd like to find out more about this offer, click below to get in touch.

* Many pre-existing conditions covered after 3 years. Offer only available to new customers. Terms and Conditions, eligibility criteria and exclusions apply. Offer ends 28 February 2023.


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