4 ways to boost your vitamin D intake

Now that the sun is sadly on its way out, the cooler, rainier months are just around the corner. This can be a real struggle for some people, especially since our levels of vitamin D tend to be a lot lower in autumn and winter because there isn’t enough sun to go around.

Known as the ‘sunshine’ vitamin, vitamin D is naturally produced in our bodies when we are exposed to sunlight. Because we need a good dose of vitamin D to strengthen our bones, muscles, and overall health, it’s important that we get enough of it - especially when the sun’s rays are sparse.

To help you make sure you’re getting enough of this wonderful vitamin, here are a few ways to increase your vitamin D intake and give your health a boost!

1. Spend as much time outdoors as possible

It’s probably not the first thing that comes to mind when it’s cold and rainy outside, but even when the sun isn’t actively shining, you can still benefit from the rays of light that are trying to break through. Whenever there’s a break in the weather, pop on a jacket and head outside to try and soak up as much vitamin D as possible.

Try to make time for a 10-15 minute walk outside every couple of days - it could be during your lunch break or a walking meeting. When the weekend comes, try to keep it up by taking the dog for a walk, or meeting friends at your local park.

2. Sit next to a window

It’s not always easy to get out and about, but simply sitting near an open window might just be enough to give you a good helping of the sunshine vitamin. This could mean moving desks to sit next to a (non-tinted) window in your office, or moving closer to sit next to a window in the lunchroom.

If you’re not at the office, this might be an easier one to try - simply find a spot in your home where the light is shining in and sit yourself down for a little while to soak up the goodness.

3. Eat the right foods

There are some great foods out there that are rich in vitamin D, including fish, milk, and eggs. The best sources of vitamin D are found in mostly fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel - throw in a side of mushrooms and eggs and a glass of milk and you should be good to go!

To boost your vitamin D intake, try to incorporate more of these foods into your diet. Because vitamin D can be stored in your body, you don’t need to eat fish every single day, just 2.5 servings of oily fish per week should do the trick.

4. Try out some supplements

If you can’t quite get enough vitamin D from the sun and you’re not a fan of fish, perhaps taking some vitamin D supplements is the way to go. Vitamin D supplements are widely available over the counter in health stores and pharmacies, and can make a real difference to your mood and health during winter.

Note that you should only need to take about 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day. This amount should be perfectly safe, but if you’re not sure whether taking vitamin D supplements is right for you, seek advice from your doctor before trying them out.


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