Are you on track for a comfortable retirement?

For most Kiwis, living a comfortable lifestyle in retirement isn’t something that can be achieved by the NZ Superannuation alone. That’s where KiwiSaver comes in.

A voluntary savings scheme to help set you up for retirement, KiwiSaver is there to supplement what you receive from superannuation, and help you reach your retirement goals. But how do you know if you’re on track?

Have you reviewed your current spending?

To help you see where your retirement savings are at, take a look at your current spending. Identify any areas where you might be able to cut down to get you closer towards your retirement savings goal.

During your retirement, do you think you’ll be spending more, less, or about the same? Are you planning to move closer to your family? Or would you want to live in a retirement village? Depending on the lifestyle you’d like, you’ll need to make sure you have enough at retirement to make it a reality.

Is your KiwiSaver set up in line with your goals?

Ensuring your KiwiSaver is set up in a way that is best for you and your retirement goals is key. There are several different providers and fund types, and it can be difficult to know which one is best for you.

Sitting down with a financial adviser to explore your options is a great way to ensure your KiwiSaver is on track - getting it set up properly could mean you have tens of thousands more at retirement!

Do you have the right cover in place?

Reviewing the insurance you currently have in place is important when considering your retirement goals. Health issues are more likely to arise as you get older, so it’s a good idea to factor in what may change when you retire.

If you don’t have insurance sorted, make some time to sit down with a financial adviser to discuss what cover you might need now and in the future.

No matter your age, if you want to start planning for your retirement, book a time to chat with us. We’ll help to make sure you’re on track for a comfortable retirement, so you can rest easy knowing that you’ve got it all under control.


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