7 ways to combat the winter blues

We’re now past the halfway point of winter, but we’ve still got a few more weeks of the cold and gloomy season. If the winter blues have been creeping up on you and you’ve been feeling under the weather both physically and mentally, we’ve put together some tips that just might help.

1. Get some natural light

There’s not a lot of sunlight to go around during the winter, but it’s important to get out and soak up as much natural light as you can. This is because vitamin D is an essential vitamin that helps us stay happy, healthy, and energised, and if we aren’t getting enough of it, we can definitely fall into a slump.

Aim to get at least 20 minutes of natural light a day - whether it’s walking to your local cafe for a coffee, or sitting by your windows in the sun. Check out other ways you can inject some much-needed vitamin D into your life here.

2. Try something new

Winter usually means spending more of our time indoors, so instead of melting into the couch to watch some mind-numbing television, we could be putting our brains to better use by learning a new skill. You could attend cooking classes, or try out a new winter sport; learning new things is a great way to kick your brain into gear and banish the winter blues.

If you’re not keen on leaving the house, you could take an online class, or watch DIY videos to learn how to make something new.

3. Keep moving

It’s far more difficult to find the motivation to get up and about during winter, but exercise has been proven to boost your energy levels, and improve your mood. It could be as simple as walking up and down the stairs in your office for 10 minutes, or completing an online video workout at home.

If you have a pet, this is a great opportunity to get out for daily walks and get your body moving!

4. Eat healthy

When it’s cold and wet outside, nothing says comfort like some sweet treats. Unfortunately, if we have too many, it’s not going to have a good result for our overall health. Fast food is comforting and convenient, but the long-term effects just aren’t worth it.

Why not kill two birds with one stone and learn how to cook a healthy, hearty meal? Or to save time, you could break out the trusty slow cooker - fill it with meat and vegetables in the morning, and dinner will be all ready to go in the evening.

5. Get enough sleep

Sleep is so important to our physical and mental wellbeing. It can be easier to fall asleep in winter, but make sure you’re getting good quality sleep to improve your concentration, reduce the risk of depression, and give your immunity a helping hand.

Although it’s tempting to sleep in during winter, you should aim for consistent sleep and wake times so you don’t feel tired and groggy the next day.

6. Connect with others

It might be tempting to hibernate and hide during winter, but it’s important for your mental health that you fit some socialisation in. Organise regular get-togethers with friends and family, or volunteer for your local community.

You could organise family pot-luck dinners to reduce costs, and if you’re worried about volunteering alone, rope in a couple of friends to join you!

7. Look to the future

When we have something to look forward to, it really helps us get through the tough times. If you can, plan an event or an activity, like booking a trip across the ditch, buying a ticket to an upcoming concert, or even making a plan for what you want to do with your garden come springtime.

Whatever you need to think about to get you through winter will help. It can be as simple as daydreaming about what you’ll get up to in summer, even if it seems far away right now!

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