Beat the back to work blues this year

Whether you’re returning to work now or in the next couple of weeks, thinking about getting back into the swing of things can be tough. When you’ve been sleeping in and relaxing for most of the day, getting up and back into a more structured routine can feel like a mammoth effort. Here’s how you can beat the back to work blues this year.

1. Don’t check your emails first thing

This one might seem a little counterintuitive, especially if your overflowing inbox is screaming out for immediate attention, but try to wait it out. Focus on easing yourself into the day for the first week or so until you get used to it. Similar to how you would start your day at home on holiday, try to grab a coffee, check the news, tidy your desk, or chat to your colleagues before diving in.

2. Get organised

Once you’re ready to start clearing your inbox, don’t go through each email one by one. Not all of them will require you to respond straight away, so do a bit of a triage based on subject lines and senders first. While you go through, make yourself a list of tasks and mark which ones need to be completed today, and which ones can wait. Getting organised will give you a clear direction so you don’t feel so overwhelmed.

3. Get some fresh air

Over the holiday period, you’ve likely been outdoors soaking up some good old vitamin D and getting plenty of fresh air, so try to keep up this healthy habit when you get back to the office. It’s easy to get preoccupied with tasks that keep you stuck at your desk all day, but taking regular breaks to go for a walk and clear your head is a great way to destress and stay healthy.

4. Think about some work/life goals

You might have some important KPIs or productivity targets you’re expected to meet in your role, but have a think about some other goals you might want to put in place this year. Do you want to prioritise a better work/life balance this year? Are you aiming to get more steps in throughout the day? Having goals that are related to work but also related to your mental health and wellbeing will help you start the year on the right foot.

5. Don’t beat yourself up

If you’re feeling sluggish, unmotivated and you’re struggling to get back into your work routine, try not to feel guilty about it. Be kind to yourself and understand that it will take time to get back into the swing of things. When you first started your holiday break, it might have been difficult to fully relax at first, and the same goes for returning to work and being productive. You’ll get there!

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